Congratulation to Mr&Mrs Ban

For my very noob photography skill
I've given my 1st actual wedding photo shooting to my beloved cousin Mr ban and his wife ban now XD)...

Broken Hearted Girl~~

Er...i'ma boy~~

You’re everything I thought you never were
And nothing like I thought you could’ve been
But still you live inside of me
So tell me how is that?

You’re the only one I wish I could forget
The only one I’d love to not forgive
And though you break my heart, you’re the only one
And though there are times when I hate you
Cause I can’t erase
The times that you hurt me
And put tears on my face
And even now while I hate you
It pains me to say
I know I’ll be there at the end of the day

I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No...No
No broken-hearted girl
I’m no broken-hearted girl

Something that I feel I need to say
But up to now I’ve always been afraid
That you would never come around
And still I want to put this out
You say you’ve got the most respect for me
But sometimes I feel you’re not deserving me
And still you’re in my heart
But you’re the only one and yes
There are times when I hate you
But I don’t complain
Cause I’ve been afraid that you would've walk away
Oh but now I don’t hate you
I’m happy to say
That I will be there at the end of the day

I don’t wanna be without you babe
I don’t want a broken heart
Don’t wanna take a breath with out you babe
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way no no
I don’t want a broken heart
And I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl...No…No
No broken-hearted girl

Now I’m at a place I thought I’d never be…Oooo
I’m living in a world that’s all about you and me…yeah
Ain't gotta be afraid my broken heart is free
To spread my wings and fly away
Away With you
yeah yeah yeah, ohh ohh ohh

I don’t wanna be without my baby
I don’t wanna a broken heart
Don’t want to take a breath with out my baby
I don’t wanna play that part
I know that I love you
But let me just say
I don’t want to love you in no kind of way..No..No
I don’t want a broken heart
I don’t wanna play the broken-hearted girl..No..No..
No broken-hearted girl
Broken-hearted girl No…no…
No broken-hearted girl
No broken-hearted girl

Asset of the World ??

Penang- Unesco Heritage of The World...Exactly!!
It's good to have a visit to the Penang Heritage side u noe...
We shud get to noe more about Penang and why is it granted as the Heritage of the World instead of spending our time at Gurney/Queensbay and other shoping mall.... <Mr.Loctor...

haha...true...and thx god it was a sunny day,we were worrying about the wheather...
And the sun chose to be our fren... XD

we started our walk from the Town Hall...but bcoz of public holiday,all the buildings which are normally open to public were not opening....Aikz so we can only shot from outside nia...

.............................................Image below is the Penang High Court
It is a Palladian-style building along Lebuh Light,it is renovated but design remains original

The picture (right) shows the St.George Church along Farquhar Street is one of the loveliest heritage buildings in's a class 1 buildings and has been standing there since 1816...

Do you noe that This is where the 1st STAR paper is used to be an opposition newspaper...

.........This Mosque is different from any other mosque in M'sia ,it is built by arabian

This is Cheah Kongsi-History more than a century...

This is the dooryard of Mansion Rumah Peranakan
the entrance fee is RM10!!!,we decided not to go in...haha

This...we were told that this is the Symbol of Penang...

Guess where the body of Sir Francis Light was Burried??duno ??Zzz
The Answer is ...Penang
The entrance of The Christian Cemetery...

This is the Tomb of Penang island Founder Sir.Francis Light...The right picture is tomb of others
they are from british as well...many of them died at veli young age coz of malaria...The Ades are fresh to them during that time...bad

This Is the so Called "Goh Chan Lau"the meaning is five is said to be a haunted skulz...construced to be a skul,and then Japanese conquered and turned into a place where they torture and chop off ppl's head..Zzz...after they lose the's back to be a skul ..den ?a lot of ppl claim that they see some unnatural things..Zzz can u see something in the picture??Woo~~

Some other Random Shotz....

A big thx to our Sifu Mr.Loctor Mayat...he's a good and funny guy...hehe...
and according to him...we've only visited part of the heritage part...i'll take 1 whole day to visit 100% lolz....i think nex outing shud visit the rest...haha

09/09/09 9:09 AM....

09/09/09 ...Day dat oni comes once a century...some ppl say a decade...but it's a century for me...coz u'll only able to see 09/09/19 after 10 years from now but not 09/09/09 again...^^

For Chinese,numbers may carry meaning as the partial tone reflects words in mandarin...
Ex: 8 is a symbol of prosperity while 4 is T.T
well...Sept 9, 2009 symbolises longetivity....Good thing huh ?? =D
There'll be alot of couple marry today i suppose...

Ladies & Gentleman.It's big day for me too,not marriage but birthday!hahaha....wat shud i say?
thx God for letting me to be bornt on dat day...thx Mum for giving birth to me.She's a great mum...Really!!

Er..??dat day went to Gurney wif Lawrence,Snow,Clarrie and Takura for a picture-The Final Destination...Woo...they celebreated an early birthday wif me sia!!happy nia...coz i tot dat's a movie day oni....Well..this movie..idea same as FD 1,2,3 sia...but the way they die...quite Geli sia!!It's about they escaped from a serious accident,and they survived coz one of them(the main character) sees some "vision" dat they'll all gonna die if they dont leave that their death is foreordained...means they'll die in no time according to the sequence they shud hav died even though they've survived in the accident...and the entire movie is about how they try to escape from death and change their fate...and finally ?all dead..
Nothing new(3D shud be more exciting),but some scenes are gore...~~~i was thinking if they have today's technology when they film the Final Destination 1....New and Gore..!!! woohoo....

Then,wanna sincerely thx Lawrence,Snow,Clarrie,Mr.Takura,Jeft,Apple,Catherine too for their gift...2 Tee(the colour are Black & White)fit me well...XD and a Boxer-"My favorite"...kakakka Hope dat our friendship 99 sia....Never Fade...Picture Later~~~

Poetry Comp!! Lolz!!!

Okay,the story starts before the skul holiday,i'm forced by one of the skul teacher to compete in the skul english poem recital competition in conjunction of the Independence Day
lmao...i was busy watchin anime and enjoyin my holidayz...totally forget about this until teacher reminded me yesterday,i got no poem to perform,how?!!!
i've found a suitable poem onli on las nite,but when the competition starts today,i relize dat i left da paper in my class...lazy to go bek and get it ,den i asked my fren whether hav any extra poem for me to recite.muahahah,after watching many contestant performed their poem...and the MC said : "let us call upon the next contestant Kung Ke Shin" and...

guess wat??

i performed like a debator(i'm a debator ma XD)...the tones,the movements...all based on my debate experience nia...used some trick to cover nervous...

and and and...when the results were announced...upper form 1st runner up"Kung Ke Shin"
well...thx god for blessing me...thx Pn Kalaivani for forcing me to take part....reli Muahahahahahaha

Canteeen Day....

Working hard on the hot dogs>.<

Basically,it's a day which all persatuan of the skul can earn money and, it's a busy dayZzz extinguished.. $$... haha
and i'm trying my best to sell the hot dogs!!!

Alright...that's me..wif fren said can be maid edi..lolz

2 funny fella and i...

The Virgo aka 处女座

都说处女座另类,双重性格,甚至有点神经质,其实原因只有一个,处女座的一切都要随自己外显的性格而转,姑且称之为'状态'。处女座状态好的时候,可以将 自己聪明、细腻、能干、温情、幽默、有内涵等优良品质完全外展,此时他们显得如此完美,光芒四射,并且可以表现得非常外向、健谈,容易与人打成一片(这本 非他们的性格)。而一旦处女座状态不好,便会变成另一个人,甚至非常窝囊,一事无成,不过通常此时他们都躲避外在的干扰,所以让人感觉有点间歇性自闭症) 因为同为水星守护,所以处女和双子一样善变,但双子善变的是心思,处女善变的却是情绪。    很多时候处女座要面对很多实际的琐事,这时的处女座便不得不在冷中面对周围世界:要么说话做事很不自然,有做作的痕迹;要么便极度冷漠和被动,对谁都不理 不睬。其实处女座很清楚自己现在的样子,但他们无力改变和控制自己的情绪,只能选择疯狂地逃避一切。 他们想的是:与其很不自然地面对你,尴尬地和你说些无关痛痒地话,或是因和平时反差太大而被人说成表里不一,性格怪异,还不如先躲一阵子,等调节好了以后 再出来。所以,在与人交往中,他们只会和不得不交流的人(实在躲不掉)或是完全陌生的人(反正无所谓)交谈,而和熟悉的朋友反而疏远。 所以.你在他心中地位越重,他躲得你越远。特别是恋人. 而且,大家都知道处女座的人有严重的完美主义倾向,所以就有了所谓的'处女座的人最喜欢若即若离'。原因很简单:他只想给你一个最好最完美的自己,而不愿 让你看到他无助脆弱的一面。所以请记住,有时处女座对你冷,绝不是你说错做错什么,这是他们正常的生理现象,他们只是不想让严寒和冰霜伤害了你(可事实上 这种做法已经伤害)。不必难过,因为他们在乎你的话,他们的内心比你还要难过、自责和内疚!他们所能做的,只希望快点调整好情绪,回到你的身边。 正基于以上两点,处女座有时便会表现出非常另类的行为和思维模式。他们的性格也很多来源于此:不喜主动,不善交际(也可以热情,只是今天热了,终有一天会 冷的),不爱表现,不喜抛头露面(万一哪天情绪无法把握状态不好时,岂不大失脸面),诸如此类。 关于'洁癖'并非处女都有洁癖,很多处女座并不爱干净,但却要求整洁,他们更多的是井然有序,不喜欢别人破坏他们所整理和布置的'完美'格局。处女座更多 的是有精神洁癖。一旦触碰到他们精神上的禁区,严重时会表现得歇斯底里。 关于'花心'一般说来处女座绝不花心,忠诚是他们的代名词。异性关系多很可能是他们需要确定一个好人缘和自己有魅力,来反击那些普遍观点。一旦找到心中真 爱,他会呵护你一辈子,只要你能给他安全感,他永不背叛,心中眼中唯你一人。寻花问柳,红杏出墙这些事与他们绝缘(一是责任感所致,二是怕麻烦)。 关于'聪明'不似双子灵活机巧,不象水瓶创意非凡,也不是天蝎的那种计画周密,处女座更多体现的是智慧。细腻、理性、好学加上十二星座里一流的洞察力和最 强的逻辑思维能力,处女座想不聪明都难。没事少在处女座面前信口开河,随意撒谎,很多伪纱他们一眼便能看透;也别跟他们玩什么心计,你玩不过他们的。处女 是那种可以把你卖了你还得向他道谢的类型。没事也少跟处女座辩论,他们没理也可找出理,甚至找出不止一条理来。处女是永远不会吃亏的。 关于'单纯'处女座很纯真,但绝不单纯,他们内心复杂得让人难以想象,很多不经意的事可能都是他们精心布置的。处女座也总在纯洁和好色之间徘徊,这一点最 难说清。不过他们真正的内心是极其善良的, 宁可自己苦也不愿伤害任何人,心灵如水晶一般晶莹剔透。 关于'幽默'都说处女座冷若冰霜,缺乏幽默。多和他们接触吧,你会体会到什么是冷幽默,什么是真正的幽默,而并非品位低俗的搞笑。 关于'迟钝'别看你和处女座说某些提议时他们半天才反应过来,在你说好的一瞬间,他们脑子里可能已经转过五六个你这项提议会造成的后果(通常是消极后果) 了。他们总是想得太多,绝非想得太慢。 关于'自私'处女座的自私觉不是狮子的那种惟我独尊,也不是水瓶的以自我为中心。处女座正因为是无私的,所以显得自私。(能够理解吗?)因为处女不想伤害 任何人。 关于'逃避'由于处女座性格上的因素,他们通常会显得压力很大。当周遭的事物已无法掌控,或是自己的情绪无法调节好时,他们会疯狂地逃避,堕落自己,这种 状况通常对别人无害,却是伤害自己,让所有爱他们的人感到心碎。不过不用太担心,过一阵子他们自己会好的,他们天性的自我批判精神很快便会起作用。处女座 一般不会彻底堕落,堕落前可能都已留有余地,只是在等待着希望的来临。甚至有时堕落都是做给别人看的。 关于'内涵'处女座有涵养这一点是肯定的。在成长中不断吸取教训,不断学习,取人之长来丰富自己的内涵。因为他们感觉到情绪无法把握,而这些是自己可以踏 踏实实做到的,将来一定有帮助。这是他们所追求的完美主义目标。 处女座就是一个表面神秘到难以琢磨,说穿了却又很简单的星座。最接近神的人?可能吧,处女座喜欢这样 来标榜自己。因为他们确实有超凡脱俗的一面。他们的内心接近了神,可是身在这个世界,不能不食人间烟火吧,所以必须得戴着一个面具活在这个世界上。 处女座喜欢和人说些暧昧的话,对心仪的对象却不好意思表白。 处女座希望别人了解自己,却又只将能公布的那一部分对外展示。 处女座是最有责任感的人了,可很多时候却害怕承担责任。

Vote for the sake of the coming generations

The government has abrogated the teaching of science and mathematic in English...
which means that primary skuls students will be taught in mother tongue for science and math
and using BM for secondary skuls....Is that a wise decision for the residents?well,It's a veli subjective issue to every independent...

Some say la some say lo.....I read from the newspaper that the news made student cries and piss a lot of parents off coz form 1 students (2009) have to face the change in teaching language after they went to form 4&5..ill~~den form6/college/University back to english.... T.T

And our formal PM Tun DR.Mahathir wants the government to listen to the voice of the people
he's having a blog poll which the question to be answered is :

whether visitors to his blog support or oppose the decision to teach Maths and Science in Bahasa Malaysia.

If you support just say Yes.

If you don't please say No.

Here's da link...go and vote!!

Transformer 2


Oh yea...finally...i've watched the Transformer 2...
in fact...i watched it was juz amazing... XD
The explosive combo of sunset battles, cool cars are awesome.There are some funny elements in the movie too...
the 1st funny scene dat i'll never forget....Sam told by his mum :See honey,i found ur little booty and i'll do anything for an A proffesor...hahaha....

what im about to show you is top secret...dont tell my mother-agent simmons

"I hope the F-15's have good aim."
"I told them to aim for the orange smoke"
"*looks right* That orange smoke?"
"It wasn't my best toss."
"RUN!!".....etc etc and etc

Megan Fox... XD i'm pretty sure that many ppl will pay certain attention to her in the movie....coz she's really hot...

Optimus Prime
Optimus : "Weak...puny...waste of metal!"

The last quote :
"Our races, united by a history long forgotten, and a future we shall face together.
I am Optimus Prime, and i send this message so that our past will always be remembered. For in these memories, we live on"

PSC Drill COmp 2009!!!

hiak hiak....Penang State Council Drill Competition 2009 of the Boys' Brigade
And I dream I'm an "old bird". And I dream I can spread my wings. Flying high, high.Cant imagine i'm back for PSCDC 2009! lol...
oni 2 old birds in the drill squad =.=Bring juniors to gain experience...
they tried their best....and they were good....

Was posing before we move in the Comp Ground...try to calm them down ma ... XD

Drill Squad of 1st Prai Company @.@Juniors are not bad...they did well ....good!!

The Champion Team...Team C of 8th Penang